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Clima4Future supports companies and initiatives worldwide that are striving for climate neutrality or have already implemented it - such as e.g. the WeGrowWood initiative in India.
WeGrowWood creates a sustainable livelihood for the Indian population and makes an active contribution to climate protection - by planting Kiri trees (lat.: Paulownia) in a perfect climatic environment. These trees have the remarkable ability to absorb significant amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen, which makes a significant contribution to combating climate change and is an effective tool in the fight against global warming.
Tree plantations are fully amortized within 5 years and no further investments are required. From this point onwards, the first profits are generated after a further 2 years and then continuously with each harvest cycle. Each harvest cycle also generates new CO2 certificates.
According to forecasts by various recognized experts on carbon credits, prices are expected to rise to $200/m.t. by 2030 and more than $200/m.t. by 2040. exceed $400/m.t. It is therefore to be expected that revenues from carbon credits will be substantial in absolute terms, and increasingly so.
Clima4Future generates emission certificates and also creates a high value in wood, whereby India even has to import around 80% of its wood requirements.
Greenhouse gas emissions are significantly reduced. Through e.g. the TΓV certification body, we are credited with VERs (Verified Emissions Reductions) (= one VER) offsets one tonne of CO2 emissions. We then trade these carbon credits received via the Co2Coin international.
Other projects are also supported by Clima4Future. The number of projects to be supported also depends largely on the sales of the Co2Coin (CCC). It is important to us not to fragment the volume of funding too much in order to marginalize the support for individual projects. Below we present the WeGrowWood project. It started in 2017 and has proven to be successful in addition to having an inspiring vision for almost the last decade. Only by increasing support for such projects can we significantly increase the magnitude of the positive impact on the Earth's entire ecological system.
By participating in the WeGrowWood initiative and planting the fastest growing tree in the world, the promotion not only creates carbon credits and protects the global weather, but also high values of Kiri tree wood. The "aluminum" of the wood is created when the Kiri tree has reached its full size and for which the replanting of further Kiri trees must be cut beforehand.
The vision of sustainable development of fallow farmland has become reality!
The coveted Kiri tree wood is very hard and light at the same time and is used internationally for boat building, the construction of musical instruments, caravan fittings and much more. In addition, timber prices have risen faster than the MSCI share index and the price of gold.
The Kiri tree grows up to 6 meters high in its first year. In warm climates, such as mainland India, it reaches a trunk diameter of around 40 centimeters within 7 years (most teak trees: 15-40 years). This has a number of enormous advantages, from the immense CO2 absorption, the fastest wood production, the profitability and much more.
The Kiri tree has by far the highest CO2 storage capacity in the world; more than 10 times higher than any other deciduous tree on earth. In most areas of India, a single tree binds almost 900 kg in its first 7-year growth cycle alone! From then on, it absorbs an average of 100 kg of CO2 per year. This incredible ability combined with its exceptionally narrow crown results in an unprecedented CO2 absorption of up to 130 tons (m3) per hectare per year! (For comparison: average mixed forest 5-8 m3 per hectare/year, rainforest approx. 15m3/year)
Paulownia has a very low water consumption - only 10-12 liters per day when fully grown. Compared to other trees: it only needs 83 liters per 1 kg of wood it produces - (for comparison: eucalyptus = 7,000 L/kg)
Kiri trees are known to thrive in moderately fertile soils; they do not require very 'rich'/heavy soils. In fact, Paulownia trees have long been known to measurably improve soil quality over time and even increase the groundwater storage capacity of the subsoil in which they grow.
After cutting down the kiri tree, there is no need to plant a new seedling - it simply grows back within a few days ! This is not only "a great cost-saving factor", but also accelerates wood productivity and carbon sequestration immensely. And in this case it grows even faster, because the small seedling has the root system of a mature tree to support it !
The wood is known as the "aluminum of wood", the "lightweight champion". Its honeycomb cell structure (see illustration below) gives the wood its durability, flexibility and uniquely high relative strength despite its low weight: Compressive strength along the fibers - 281 kg/mΒ³
Another great advantage of the wood is that it is naturally termite-repellent! It contains a 'tannin' that termites do not like and avoid. This fact is another decisive advantage, as it opens up the possibility of using wood for outdoor constructions, which is impossible in many areas with other types of wood.
Despite its light weight, the wood has a higher calorific value than coal: Kiri tree: 20.90 kJ/g; coal: 14.64 kJ/g! Combined with the fact that it contains far fewer other pollutants than coal, it is a renewable natural resource with high potential to replace or supplement coal as a raw material. In addition - as the wood does not absorb moisture, pellets made from Paulownia wood are much more stable in damp weather and do not disintegrate.
The thermal conductivity of paulownia is twice as high as that of other average wood. This makes it the ideal wood-based material for heat and cold insulation.
Once the wood has dried, it absorbs no or very little water. As a result, it no longer changes its shape under changing weather and humidity conditions, which also makes it a perfect building material for outdoor use. Paulownia Wood has been extensively tested at the Burckhardt Institute at the University of GΓΆttingen and has excellent dimensional stability without cracking, buckling or warping.
"Sustainable development for a future in which everyone can fulfill their individual potential; in which humanity lives in social forms that reflect human dignity; and in which all economic activities are in harmony with ecological and ethical principles."
"Kiri tree plantations not only fulfill the protection obligations of all stakeholders, they are also highly profitable and simultaneously fulfill 12 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. This demonstrates our commitment to a wide range of positive impacts on the environment, society and the economy that go beyond the mere absorption of CO2"
In nature, each organism is independent and at the same time connected to other organisms. Inspired by ecological principles that represent the wisdom of nature and the universe, we continuously strive to achieve and maintain a harmonious balance between the following polarities and integrate them into our development.
To realize our vision of holistic and sustainable development in India ...
we are establishing biodynamic farming methods as a competitive solution to meet the challenges of the 21st century, in the environmental, social and food sectors,
We support individual development through holistic Education and medical care,
we create fair and reliable workplaces that reflect human dignity and support the individual development of each employee,
we create business models based on ecological and ethical principles,
we invest in sustainable development through research,
we advocate a holistic approach to sustainable development both locally and globally.
The WeGrowWood community has further developed the vision, mission and goals with a view to the next 20 years. The Vision 2044 formulates how WeGrowWood wants to transform India sustainably in the coming decades.
Initially 87,626 farmers will be involved with an estimated growth to 639,521 farmers by 2044.
WeGrowWood Agrikultur acts as an umbrella for agricultural activities and businesses. From the reclamation of arable land through natural pest control and planting to livestock farming and composting, the entire agricultural cycle is covered.
Biodynamic agriculture is a method of organic farming based on a holistic understanding of life processes. As one of the first sustainable agricultural movements, it treats soil fertility, plant growth and animal husbandry as ecologically interlinked areas and emphasizes spiritual and cosmic perspectives.
The basic idea of biodynamic agriculture is the sustainable treatment of animals, plants and soil as a single system. A wide variety of plants and animals should be present on the farm: Trees, diverse plants of different seasonality and different animals - for example birds, insects and small animals such as hedgehogs, lizards and others. It is important to maintain the balance between flora and fauna, not to disturb the life cycle and to support it with the respective contributions needed. In this way, they strengthen each other and contribute to the nutrition of humans and themselves. Therefore, the cultivation plan takes into account a crop rotation that is related to the circumstances of the individual arable land, not to disturb the life cycle and to support it with the respective required contributions. In this way, they strengthen each other and contribute to feeding people and themselves. Therefore, the cultivation plan takes into account a crop rotation that is related to the circumstances of the individual arable areas.
A cultivation calendar is used to keep the right time for farming. The basic principle of crop cultivation is the creation of a compost from plant residues and animal manure. This mixture is treated with six biodynamic compost preparations made from medicinal plants. In addition, there are two biodynamic field preparations that are used in the cultivation of the fields. The biodynamic preparations improve all the bacterial, fungal and mineral processes present in the organic farming system. They are therefore helpful for sustainable agriculture.
In January 2023, another 2.5-hectare plantation was planted in Amalner, Maharashtra, which was significantly expanded in July 2023. In October, further Kiri tree seedlings were ordered for three plantations in Gujarat and Maharashtra.
To establish further model plantations in the region. These should prove that biodynamic agricultural methods are the best option for the reclamation of arable land, food security and sustainable development for India.
WeGrowWood has ensured sustainable development on all three farms. The farmland has been reclaimed and developed - including the necessary infrastructure and community centers.
Soil is a living organism. The solid and limited surface of the earth is the habitat of countless organisms and provides stability for plant roots. Soil is the fundamental basis for food production. In the future, the global earth's surface will only be able to produce enough food for all humans if we preserve its fertility, avoid erosion and enable sufficient water storage capacity
WeGrowWood transforms each farmland into a living soil. Today, the top layer of WeGrowWood's first farm soil (between 0 and 1.30 cm deep) is rich in organic matter and has a broad spectrum of microbiological life - an essential prerequisite for increased water absorption capacity. In addition, the microorganisms are important for making nutrients such as potassium, phosphate or nitrogen available to the plants. Three techniques help us to ensure this vitality in the soil: firstly, the use of compost and other organic fertilizers, secondly, the rotation of crops and thirdly, the use of biodynamic preparations.
To build up the first organic mass in arable land, we use compost that we produce on our own farm (see below). The continuous treatment of the field with compost tea (a mixture of compost; molasses and water,) maintains and accelerates the activity of the microorganisms in the compost. In some cases we need to add other organic fertilizers.
By rotating nitrogen-consuming and nitrogen-accumulating crops (intercropping) such as legumes, we prevent soil depletion. Instead, the roots of e.g. clover and beans can build up more organic matter. In general, we always plan to plant at least 20% of the farm area and at least every fifth season on the same plot or in the same greenhouse with legumes.
One difference to other organic farming methods is the use of eight biodynamic preparations in the cultivation of plants. WeGrowWood uses Horn manure (cow manure filled in cow horns buried in our soil in winter) and horn pebbles (pebbles filled in cow horns buried in our soil in summer).
Both are sprayed onto the field. For the compost, six different medicinal plants are produced in a special way: They are connection to cosmic forces that vitalize the plants. All preparations function as fertilizers.
Plants form the dress of the earth. In many parts of the planet, they reflect the seasons. More than 500,000 species are rooted in the earth and build up their substance through sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. By producing the necessary oxygen, forests can be considered the lungs of the earth. With all their parts, plants provide food and serve as medicinal remedies as well as multifunctional raw materials. They can be preserved in their diversity and further developed in their effectiveness through careful management.
We do not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides when growing. Instead, we rely on natural solutions for pest control and grow a variety of plants to maintain the natural balance.
Each plant has its own role in the soil and ecosystem, such as beneficial organisms and natural enemies for different types of plants. To maintain the natural-it is important to avoid monocultures and instead combine different plants on a farm - also through green corridors between individual fields.
We use the extract of rivet trees to stop the growth of caterpillars and other pests, and also use pheromones to trap or attract insects. In 2010, the organisms will be used on our own fields. However, they are also sold on the agricultural markets as an efficient alternative to regular pesticides or other artificial chemical products that are harmful to soil, plants, air and humans.
When it comes to the issue of future food security, conventional food companies often justify the development and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). We follow a strict
"No GMO" policy.
Humans pollute the air every day, even though we cannot live without it. The air in our atmosphere is important for all aerobic creatures. Only in an environment with clean air can humans and animals live healthy lives. Global warming drastically illustrates how important balanced conditions and temperatures are for the atmosphere. Stabilizing these temperatures is the best way to avoid natural disasters related to climatic conditions.
The climate above the surface of the soil is a factor that determines how quickly soil deteriorates and water evaporates. By planting trees around the fields, we achieve several effects in addition to a pleasant scent:
The trees break the wind so that it cannot blow away the top soil. The shade brings cooler and more humid air, which creates a microclimate between the surrounding rows of trees in a field. The photosynthesis of the trees uses carbon dioxide and releases the required oxygen instead. In addition, the groundwater level slowly rises in the long term due to the cooler surface, bringing additional microclimatic changes.
Water forms the basis of all life. The hydrological cycle of planet Earth is similar to the human circulatory system: water evaporates, falls back as rain and runs from freshwater rivers into the salty oceans. Without the influence of humans, the water clears and purifies itself along the way. 71% of the earth's surface is covered by water - mainly salt water. Drinking water is a scarce resource and must not be wasted or polluted.
WeGrowWood needs water to irrigate the plants in the fields and the green corridors as well as for processing and for the employees. We use three sources of water: River water, government-distributed water and well water. Certain rules apply to water consumption on all farms and in all operations, although they are not yet set by written regulation. The wastewater from all operations is reused after treatment as irrigation water for the trees on the WeGrowWood farm.
We support the CEO Water Mandate, a global pact of the United Nations (UN Global Compact Initiative). As India will be severely affected by global water scarcity, we see it as one of our top priorities to raise awareness about the careful and efficient use of the country's water sources.
Effective Microorganisms (EM) are an aqueous mixture of 8 aerobic and anaerobic species, such as from the yeast family, lactic acid and photosynthetic bacteria. When applied to wastewater, two effects can be observed: The activities of the microorganisms drastically reduce the odor and the sewage sludge in the wastewater treatment plant is reduced by half.
In fact, this is just a small excerpt from the large WeGrowWood project. Even during our personal visits to India, we quickly realized that the comprehensive approach and the positive effects are almost impossible to grasp in a short space of time.